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Client Intake Made Easy: How Virtual Receptionists Streamline the Immigration Case Evaluation Process

Written by Moises Hasbun | Jul 14, 2023 2:30:00 PM

The intake process is in-depth and takes a lot of time from an immigration lawyer’s day, but it’s the most important part of the process. The intake process gets you new clients. But when you’re managing current clients and evaluating new cases, it can feel like there's not enough time in the day.

A team of virtual receptionists can help streamline your process by handling the intake process, taking one stress off your shoulders. 

Seamless Language Support: Breaking Barriers for Effective Client Intake

Immigration lawyers often face a language barrier as potential clients may speak many languages. Not being able to converse with clients in their native language could cause problems.

Using virtual receptionists for client intake and evaluation ensures you have someone to speak to your potential clients in their language, and you get accurate information to make the right decisions and streamline the case evaluation process.

Benefits of Virtual Receptionists in Immigration Case Evaluation


Using virtual receptionists for client intake and evaluation ensures you have someone to speak to your potential clients in their language, and you get accurate information to make the right decisions and streamline the case evaluation process.


Make Your Life Easier and Seamless with Easybee

Using virtual receptionists for immigration case evaluation streamlines the process and ensures immigration lawyers use their time wisely. Letting virtual receptionists handle the client intake process puts you in control of your time.

 We offer a 15-day free trial to help you see, without commitment, how easy it can be.