Business growth

7 Things to do instead of answering phones when you have a Virtual Receptionist

When you don't have to jump for every phone call and you know routine calls are being professionally answered and routed, you have extra time to attend to other business matters. If you're saving time with EasyBee virtual reception services, here are seven things you can do with those additional minutes each day.

  1. Come up with new ideas. Brainstorm by yourself or with your team to come up with the next product or service to wow clients. Planning ahead lets you stay competitive in the marketplace. Instead of spending time keeping up with today's calls, you're planting the seeds for future calls.
  2. Respond to customer concerns. Take time to craft genuine, helpful responses to customers via email, online forums and social media or phone. Brands that respond to customer complaints are seen in a more positive light by consumers online.
  3. Plan content marketing efforts. Content marketing offers one of the best returns for any type of advertising effort. Use your extra time to write blog and social media posts, or hook up with service providers who can handle those tasks for you. With someone you trust answering incoming phone lines, you don't have to worry about overloading yourself with potential leads.
  4. Engage with employees or coworkers. Teamwork is critical to success, so use your extra minutes to bond with others, show kindness or pitch in to cover for a coworker who had to leave early for a family event. Better morale in the office means increased productivity and happier employees who are eager to help customers.
  5. Catch up on accounting. Freed from the constant distraction of low-priority phone calls, you can more easily push through tedious tasks like bookkeeping. Tackle small accounting, legal, human resource and maintenance tasks each day, and end every week with less unfinished business hanging over your head.
  6. Do some industry research. While staying current in your niche helps differentiate you from the competition, it can be difficult to find time to read industry publications or conduct online research. Schedule at least 30 minutes each day to read or participate in webinars.
  7. Take a break. Burnout and exhaustion are leading causes of professional errors. With virtual reception services taking some of the burden off your shoulders, you can spend a few minutes relaxing with a hot beverage or revive yourself with a walk around the building.

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