Bilingual Answering Service

The Importance of a Spanish Phone Answering Service

Spanish is the second most common language spoken in the United States. If your company doesn’t have someone who can talk to your Spanish speaking clients, it could hurt your bottom line.

A Spanish phone answering service is the key to gaining more clients and providing superior customer service.

Here’s why you should consider a bilingual answering phone service.


Provide Seamless Customer Service

Every customer wants to feel welcomed and helped the minute they pick up the phone. If you or your answering service can’t help someone that speaks Spanish, it can hurt your business. Whether you can’t answer their questions or you take a message, it can send customers to your competitors who can help them.

When you have receptionists or operators answering in Spanish, your customers instantly feel at ease and are able to answer your questions. Customers that feel seen and heard are more likely to do business with you again.


Point your Clients in the Right Direction

No one likes getting voicemail or having their calls ignored. When you have a phone answering service that can talk to your clients in either English or Spanish, they can point your clients in the right direction.

Based on the information you provide, the operators at Easybee help your customers, giving them the information you want them to have. Whether we take messages, answer questions, or point them to where they can get more information, we’ll do what you ask of us.

You never have to wonder if your clients are getting the answers they need or the service they deserve. We are a seamless addition to your business, but your customers will never know we are virtual.


A Phone Answering Service is Less Overhead

Finding a bilingual receptionist, hiring them, and maintaining them can be expensive and a lot of work. It’s on you to train them, supervise them, and of course, pay them their salary and benefits. This can add up quickly, not to mention the time it takes away from your other business tasks.

A phone answering service is separate from your business. You don’t have to hire anyone. Instead, you outsource your phone answering needs to professional bilingual operators. After a quick onboarding process, our operators are equipped to answer your phones with ease. This can save you money, time and help you keep more clients.


Final Thoughts

You might not have thought of the need for a Spanish phone answering service, but it can be the answers to your needs. With the right person answering your phone, all your customers will get the service they deserve. With Easybee, it doesn’t matter if your customers speak English or Spanish, we offer bilingual phone answering services to ensure your customers get the service they need!

Contact us today to see how we can help your business continue to grow and thrive by providing your customers with the service they need.


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