The virtual receptionist industry thrived on being a cost-efficient alternative to having an on-site receptionist. Rising wages have promoted more businesses to switch to a virtual receptionist. Yet it is also rising wages that have sharply increased the prices of virtual receptionist providers.
Through all this, Easybee Answering Services has managed to position themselves as the best cost virtual receptionist solution for your business. Read along to see how they do this.
Yes, that is it.
Easybee Answering Services, a US based company, identified that rising wages would yield rising costs, which in turn would yield rising prices. This does not budge well with our clients. So Easybee set out to find a place where calls could be processed with higher quality at a lower cost. This place was El Salvador.
Easybee currently funnels the majority of their call volume through El Salvador, Central America. El Salvador has a thriving outsourcing industry due to their highly Americanized workforce and their proximity to the US.
From operators to administrative personnel, trainers, recruiters, and IT personnel, we have been able to reduce our costs so you can enjoy an affordable virtual receptionist solution without sacrificing quality.

Quality has never been better.
This is not a PR stunt.
Since shifting our call volume to El Salvador, we have seen a lot of positives come along:
We have been able to staff in excess. This has transferred to lower call waiting times and more calls answered quicker.
Employee rotation has dramatically decreased. This has enabled us to create and nurture bonds with our clients and avoid learning curve disasters.
We are staffing professionals. We do not staff people without a college degree and that are committed to the long-term project of working with us.
English is not a problem. Due to El Salvador’s focus on the outsourcing industry back in 2003, there has been a national interest in developing the population to work for a globalized economy. This means English is a mandatory subject in schools and several schools have even transitioned to the American system.
While calls are handled in El Salvador, servers are kept in the US to comply with HIPAA and PCI standards.
If you are looking for an answering service solution that is specific, responsive, and conveniently priced, look no further than Easybee Answering Services. Our reputation across validated review platforms like TrustPilot and Clutch are a testament to the millions of calls we have processed and hundreds of satisfied customers that have used our answering service. Easybee’s client base is composed over 70% by law firms and their operators are constantly trained to better serve the legal industry. Easybee is the best virtual receptionist for lawyers.